Southeast Steuben River Vision Project
A year-long project to help improve and protect our river and communities.
The planning and visioning phase for the Southeast Steuben River Vision Project wrapped up in 2011, and you are invited to review maps and final report chapters online at the Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board.
The project started in 2007 with a meeting of community leaders in September and a van tour of existing facilities in October. The year-long project brought the river-related trails, launch sites, and amenities in southeast Steuben County into a coherent whole picture. Dovetailing this is the recently released “Chemung River Comprehensive Master Plan” that was developed with LWRP funds in neighboring Chemung County and filling in gaps in regional, state and interstate blue and green trail systems.
The project has resulted in a Southeast Steuben River Vision and an expanded Friends of the Chemung River Watershed, covering the length of the Chemung River including the stretch in Pennsylvania. Over the long term, communities hope to improve public access to the Chemung River, protect the river’s natural resources, generate jobs/revenue for outdoor sports/water-related businesses, strengthen community cooperation, and further advance the Chemung River as part of the Susquehanna River Trail and the National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network. All six involved communities have been presented with draft resolutions supporting the vision and pledging to move forward as funding allows.
The project team would like to thank everyone who has walked the proposed trails, attended meetings, and provided comments. If you have questions, call (607) 962-5092 or visit The Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board.
Four southeast Steuben communities were awarded a grant of $26,430 from the NYS Local Waterfront Revitalization Program to create a 'River Vision' for the Chemung River from its beginning in Painted Post to the Steuben County line. The city of Corning was the lead applicant on behalf of itself; the villages of Painted Post, Riverside, and South Corning; and Towns of Corning and Erwin. The project totaled $52,860 including matching funds provided by the communities. The project was completed in the Spring of 2011.